Indemnite de fin de CDD impayee

rudiiik - 6 janv. 2011 à 13:32
 efem - 7 mai 2016 à 20:21

I worked for my ex French employer for 2 years and at the end of it they refused to pay me my indemnite de fin de CDD...

Anything I can do to get that money back without engaging services of a lawyer?

BTW: I have limmited knowledge of French therefore responses in English would be deeply appreciated.

Best regards,
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1 réponse

BarbieTM Messages postés 13893 Date d'inscription lundi 5 juillet 2010 Statut Contributeur Dernière intervention 20 juin 2014 5 748
6 janv. 2011 à 13:52

Did they tell you why they refused to pay you this "indemnité" ?

If they had to pay it to you, send them a recommanded mail, saying that "Je vous mets en demeure de me versr l'indemnités de fin de contrat qui m'est due sous huitaine, sous peine de saisie des prudhommes". (formal demand).
Hi Barbie,

Well apparently my contract was financed by the European Union (MC FP6 to be precise) and the employer told me that I do not qualify for the Indemnite de fin de CDD as I was a "boursiere de Marie Curie contract".

However the contract mentions on multiple places that it was "conclune pour une dure determine" citing all the applicable french laws from the "code de travail".

Thanks for your response, I will try to have a look what the prudhommes can do for me :P

Bon apres-midi,
Bonjour, it's been a few years now that you posted this, but i'd like to know if you were successfull claiming your "prime de precarité". i'm in a similar situation now... being member of the EU, having a french CDD for my thesis finished now, after 3 years. the funding for the institute that employed me via a CDD came from a EU Marie-Curie Initial Training Network. Now the institute refuses to pay me the indemnite for the end of the CDD. it doesn't really (even upon request) explain to me why, other than saying a "thesard" doesn't have the right to receive any such payment. I looked around myself a lot in the internet, but didn't find other comparable cases. what i found so far was always referring to CIFRE funding scheme, which is a bit different (but it seems in the CIFRE case the company is blidged to pay the "indemnite" according to a decision of a court in Versaille in 2011). so i don't really if i can claim now towards my former employer to pay this indemnite or not, and if yes, how to approach this best. vous pouvez egalement repondre en francais. merci beaucoup en avance pour votre aide . thanks a lot, frank